『FIGHTING EX LAYER』Interview (2025)

『FIGHTING EX LAYER』Interview (1)

To celebrate the release of FIGHTING EX LAYER ANOTHER DASH, Marina interviewed Mr. Ujiie and Mr. Arai, the development staff, to find out more about the inspiration behind the creation, new modes, and systems.

Masanori Ujiie:
ARIKA CO., LTD. Planner, R&D Division
In charge of: Game Director
Favorite Games: Space Harrier/Street FighterⅡseries/PSO
Masataka Arai:
ARIKA CO., LTD. Planner, R&D Division
In charge of: Tuning Characters, Game System, CPU, etc.
Favorite Games: Virtua Fighter series/ Street FighterⅢ3rd Strike/Rygar
ARIKA CO., LTD. General Affairs Division
In charge of: English translation of FIGHTING EX LAYER Official Twitter account, interpreting at overseas events, and planning and managing official merchandise.
Favorite Games: Splatoon2/Super Smash Bros. series

What is the Evolution from the Previous One?

Congratulations on the release of FIGHTING EX LAYER ANOTHER DASH. To begin with, what are the major differences between this ANOTHER DASH and FEXL released in 2018?
The biggest change is the elimination of the GOUGI system. And by making the basic system as simple as possible, we have prepared an environment that is easy to enter for traditional fighting game users.
It is also significant that all characters have been reviewed/adjusted and added EX Actions.
Why did you decide to create ANOTHER DASH?
It was our desire to provide a new form of FEXL.
Is that why you decided to eliminate the GOUGI?
Yes, as restarting FEXL, we did not want to give an image of a sequel to FEXL. That is why we wanted it easy for new users and users since the Street Fighter EX series to enter and simple to play.
Another reason was that we thought the GOUGI would be too difficult to play in this since you need to understand the situation of your deck as well as the opponent’s deck.
Were there request from users to play the version without the GOUGI system?
Yes, sometimes. We received opinions about the Spectator Mode too.
Oh, about the new mode? What made you decide to create this?
I thought it might be useful if there is a mode for streaming that a host can commentate while watching the match.
How do you want the users to use and enjoy the Spectator Mode?
I want the users to get together with their friends having fun by watching the match or want them to use it in the event to stream, commentate, and enjoy.
Did you have any difficulties in releasing on Nintendo Switch?
Networking was the hardest. Also, there were changes to the existing product in small details, such as making the UI a dedicated one.
Other than that, the programmer was struggling to let it run at 60fps.
The rest was a race against time. We had a goal of releasing it on April 1st and was able to get it out in time but had to release the adjusted version right away. To implement the Spectator Mode and Additional Throw was already decided, but I am sorry that there was an adjustment for other items.

『FIGHTING EX LAYER』Interview (3)

↑Casual Match Room

Newly Installed Systems

There are new systems called EX Action from ANOTHER DASH. What is the reason you implement the EX Dash, EX Arrow, and EX Illusion?
In FEXL, doing a chain combo from a dash was the standard, so the first thing I wanted to do was to change this. However, it is not enough to just erase the gauge, so I left it as a gauge-consuming attack to add diversity to the way the gauge is. Another reason was the positive response to the April Fool version released on PS4 and Steam last year. There was an original system of EX Action in this version.
We decided that we needed a system that would expand the scope of play, so we included it. These are not required for fun play but are just part of the variation. I believe this system is effective when it is used well.

『FIGHTING EX LAYER』Interview (4)

↑EX Dash

Would you please tell us how to use EX Action effectively?
EX Dash can be used to cancel various moves and is useful for both offense and defense. For example, canceling your move and reducing the gap, and increasing the combo damage.
The basic and effective way to use is to use it in combination with a high-risk attack to eliminate the gap and connect to a combo if it hits. In the 2.1.2 version, the damage efficiency during EX Dash is decreasing, so you need to be careful on doing a combo in a definite situation.
EX Arrow is effective in a lower attack from the landing by adjusting the number of hits in the aerial chain. To do this, you need to make the opponent guard, which makes it easy to keep them glued to the edge of a screen, so this is a good match for characters with flying objects.
This is especially effective against distant opponents because you can jump to the opponent’s above and get close all at once. Since the jumping attack that is not supposed to reach will be reached, so the opponent will not be able to easily do a long-range attack. Also, it is possible to do an aerial chain combo only during the jumping attack.
And EX Illusion works the best when you are at the corner. It is a system that you can be offensive after you generate it, so it can reverse the situation.
After the EX Illusion, the invincible time continues until performing an attack in the air. It is also good at escaping when you get trapped at the edge. The point is to use different actions based on the opponent’s situation.

『FIGHTING EX LAYER』Interview (5)

↑Let’s try to anticipate the flying objects with EX Arrow.

Is the new system Additional Throw difficult for a fighting game beginner?
I think it is hard at first. I want beginners to practice at Training Mode and Arcade Mode. Incidentally, an introduction of Additional Throw is intended to make it easier for users who do not know about the game to understand what is going on when they watch the match.
This is a system that occurs naturally rather than intentionally, so do not think too hard about it. Please think like the time you can throw escape extend.

『FIGHTING EX LAYER』Interview (6)

↑Normal Throw

『FIGHTING EX LAYER』Interview (7)

↑A moment of Additional Throw. (The screen changes dark.)

I used Kairi in the free version and was only able to notice that Shinki-Hatsudou was a bit shorter than FEXL, and the victory poses were different. What is the biggest change in the system that has been made?
One of the concepts of ANOTHER DASH is to make more of a difference between L, M, and H Special Attacks so we reviewed various attacks.
Guard Break (Hard Attack) changed a lot in the existing system. It is more accurate to say that it returned to the system in “Street Fighter EX”. The change from a three-round first to a two-round first was also a big change. Also, the camera for the victory pose has three different angles and it loops.
There were some adjustments to battle balance. Which character has the biggest change from FEXL?
I think Area had a biggest change.
Almost all characters are changed. For example, Skullomania and Daruns’ some Special Attacks combined to one command; added Shirase, Sanane, Hokutos’ derivation attacks; D.Dark’s H- EX-Plosive’s trajectory changed; Rosso’s Volcanos changed to fly forward. Conversely, Jack and Terry did not change that much.
I hope users who have played the past games will enjoy the changes in this one.

『FIGHTING EX LAYER』Interview (8)

『FIGHTING EX LAYER』Interview (9)

↑D.Dark’s H- EX-Plosive with a changed trajectory.

Is there anything you would like to do or add if there is a next one?
I would like to add a mode that can enjoy more diverse rules in Online VS. For example, in a mode like an action game, you fight against the big character. I think it would be great if we could strengthen the storytelling and presentation aspects and take more measures to attract the interest of users who are not that familiar with fighting games.
I want to add a new character. Isn’t Capriccio cute?
I would like to install a new system that uses up finite resources. Also, I think it would be interesting if there is a unique system that does not effect on actual victory/defeat like the Auto Naming System in Fighting Layer.

『FIGHTING EX LAYER』Interview (10)

↑Capriccio (Left Character) in Fighting Layer

At last, please give a message to those interested in ANOTHER DASH and all the users.
We tried to get closer to “Street Fighter EX” this time. I recommend it to users who are playing FEXL and to whom they are not. There is a free version, so first, please pick it up with a light heart.
Thank you to all the users who are enjoying ANOTHER DASH. I see a lot of opinions from users and always have a lot to think about it. We are sorry for the many shortcomings. We will continue working hard to create something that will please all fighting game lovers. Thank you so much for your continued support of the EX series.
◆Marina’s Comment◆

This time, I interviewed about FIGHTING EX LAYER ANOTHER DASH.
In FEXL, you can make full use of GOUGI and think deeply to play, while in ANOTHER DASH, the lack of GOUGI allows you to move the way you want. Also, there are new systems from this title and changed attacks. After playing it, I felt that this is completely different from FEXL. Both are interesting!
I hope the thoughts of the development staff have been conveyed to you through this interview. Please have fun playing FIGHTING EX LAYER ANOTHER DASH!

『FIGHTING EX LAYER』Interview (2025)


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